Thank you for your interest in the Business Integrity Challenge (the “Competition”). The Competition is sponsored by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, or “DSHS” (“Competition Sponsor”) with platform support provided by Carrot. Please know that by participating in this Competition and in accordance with these Rules you are eligible to receive various forms of recognition and a possible Contract award from DSHS of up to $250,000 (USD). The Rules governing this Competition ("RULES") are stated here as an extension of the Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) announcement, and as an extension of the Terms & Conditions ("TERMS") for use of this website. The full TERMS are available for your review by accessing them on this Website. The RULES constitute "Competition Terms and Conditions" under Clause 2.3 of the TERMS. Capitalized words used but not defined in the RULES have meanings given to them in the TERMS. Further, any language contained on this website, including but not limited to these RULES, are also an extension of the TERMS, and therefore You are required to read and understand the entirety of the Website content before proceeding.
Please read these RULES and the TERMS carefully, as they describe the conditions under which you are allowed to participate. As you participate, you may periodically be asked to recognize your acceptance of these RULES and the TERMS by clicking "accept" at various pages on this website, but by continuing any use of this website you expressly consent to all of these RULES and the TERMS.
1. Eligibility
The Business Integrity Challenge welcomes applications from United States-based bidders and individuals over the age of 18 years, who are representing a Lead Participant as an applicant. Each applicant must identify a Lead Participant as the recognized Contractor in the execution of any proposed project contained in an Entry.
Eligibility related to any Lead Participant by type are as follows:
- Nonprofit organization located in a state or territory of the United States that is exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
- An entity organized under the laws of a state or territory of the United States other than a 501(c)(3) organization
- Individual or team of individuals who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and are 18 years of age or older
- Federal, state, and/or local government agencies, including a tribal government or tribal-owned enterprise.
Eligible Lead Participants are welcome to collaborate with nonprofit organizations, companies, foundations, schools, colleges and universities, government agencies, individuals, and other entities to develop the solution.
A bidder can submit only one application per solution category as the Lead Participant. A bidder can also serve as a partner on a team for multiple applications provided that each application proposes a separate, distinct solution. Regional or location-specific branches of larger organizations, as well as departments, schools, and nonprofits within or based in a college/university, can each register and submit separately as the Lead Participant on one application as long as the proposed solutions are separate and distinct. There should be no overlap in team members. The intent of the policy is to ensure that any team is concentrating their best effort into a single application. We encourage teams to select a single approach that best represents your ability to deliver a solution that meets the timeline and scoring criteria.
2. Submission by Solution Category
Should You be interested in submitting a proposal for more than one of the solution category, You may register more than once by using a different username/email to submit up to four (4) applications. Only one application for each solution category from the same Entity is allowed—submitting more than one application for a solution category may deem your application ineligible.
3. Bidder Licensed to do Business in Washington
Within thirty (30) days of being identified as an Apparently Successful Bidder (ASB), Bidder must be licensed to conduct business in Washington State, including registering with the Washington State Department of Revenue. The Bidder must collect and report all applicable taxes. The Bidder must submit Bidder’s Unified Business Identification (UBI) number within 30 days of being identified as the ASB.
Lead Participants must also read the Certifications and Assurances and submit any proposed Contract exceptions when completing the application and submitting a Response.
4. Use of Subcontractors
DSHS will accept Responses that include one or more third-party contractor involvement only if the Bidder submitting the Response agrees to take complete responsibility for all actions of such Subcontractors. Bidders must state whether Subcontractors are/are not being used. DSHS reserves the right to approve or reject any and all Subcontractors that Bidder proposes.
5. Ethics in Public Service
Specific restrictions apply to contracting with current or former state employees pursuant to chapter 42.52 RCW. Bidders should familiarize themselves with the requirements in this chapter prior to submitting a Response.
6. Ineligible persons or entities
The following are not eligible to apply as a Lead Participant for the Business Integrity Challenge:
- Individuals and entities based outside of the United States or US territories
- Individuals that include employees of Competition Sponsor, Carrot, and any of their subsidiaries and affiliates, and immediate family members (spouse, parent, child, sibling and their respective spouses, regardless of where they live) or persons living in the same households of such employees, are not eligible to participate.
While individuals/entities outside of the US are not eligible to apply as Lead Participant, they may serve as part of the team on an application.
Early-stage, untested solutions in the research and ideation phase would not be eligible for this challenge. Proposed solutions in the proof-of-concept, scaling, or operating at scale are encouraged to apply (see application – Project Stage).
The Competition Sponsor reserves the right to reject an Entry if, in the Competition Sponsor's sole discretion, the laws of the governing jurisdiction applicable to the Business Integrity Challenge would prohibit or limit the Competition Sponsor from proceeding with the Competition as intended or if the Competition Sponsor determines, in its sole discretion, that the consideration or making of any Award would impose additional administrative, tax, operational, or legal burdens on the Competition Sponsor.
7. Geographic Eligibility
Applicants located within the United States and US territories are eligible to apply as the Lead Participant. All proposed projects must benefit and impact the State of Washington.
8. Financial & Organizational Capacity
The Lead Participant will assume responsibility for the receipt and management of any Award funds from Competition Sponsor and will maintain those fiduciary duties in close coordination with any subcontractors or partner organizations. The purpose of including a Lead Participant is to ensure that there is sufficient administrative support and management for the use of any Award Funds and not to disintermediate the role of any partner(s) who are essential to the implementation of any proposed project contained in any Entry. All bidders must demonstrate the financial capacity of any Lead Participant that may be the recipient of any Award in order to carry out any project and to appropriately manage any Award.
9. Indirect Costs
DSHS will not reimburse for any costs incurred in the preparation of a Response.
10. Treatment & Use of Intellectual Property
Materials submitted in response to this Solicitation shall be deemed public records as defined by RCW 42.56. All Responses and accompanying documentation shall become the property of DSHS upon receipt and will not be returned.
Bidders may not include any DSHS client information in their Responses. Doing so will result in disqualification of the Response from further consideration. If you wish to include examples of any forms or processes, use a blank or sample form or ensure that all client information is completely redacted.
Each Application should reflect the anticipated ownership, use, and licensing of any intellectual property; the use and licensing of intellectual property of the winning Entry will be subject to the terms of a Contract with the Competition Sponsor. You represent and warrant that your Entry is an original work created solely by You, that You own all Intellectual Property in and to the Entry, and that no other party has any right, title, claim or interest in the Entry, except as expressly identified by You to us in writing in Your application. You retain all right, title and interest in any inventions, software or work of authorship You invent or create and the ownership and use of intellectual property arising from this Competition remains with You, subject as may be set forth in the agreement with the Competition Sponsor.
11. Award Contract & Reporting (updated October 8, 2024)
Any winning Contractor shall enter into a direct and separate Contract with the Competition Sponsor, containing key terms and conditions which are separate from these RULES and TERMS posted on this website for this Competition. The Contractor shall sign DSHS Confidentiality Agreement before beginning the work described.
Any Contractor who enters into a separate agreement to receive funding will be required to report progress towards milestones and other goals. Award will be paid according to a schedule based on dates deliverables are completed and invoices are submitted. Those reporting requirements may vary, based on the bidder and the project, and will be determined by the Competition Sponsor. At minimum, the Contractor can expect to share biweekly status reports and a closeout report, including a lessons learned session and key lessons learned from the project within 30 days of project completion or termination. The Contractor agrees to sign a Confidentiality Agreement mutually agreed to by the Contractor and Competition Sponsor before beginning the work described.
12. Statements of Work (SOW)
Any services performed for the Competition Sponsor under the resulting Contract shall be documented in a Statement of Work (SOW) established between DSHS and the Bidder. The SOW will reference the Contract by number, the SOW term, provide a description of the scope of work to be performed, and the maximum compensation for the project. Multiple SOWS may be entered into between the parties to document the activities necessary to perform the work herein.
13. Discrimination Notice
If an individual believes that DSHS has discriminated against them based on a protected status, please contact the DSHS Investigations Unit for the Nondiscrimination Policy Brochure and complaint process. The brochure can be found here.
14. Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises (MWBE), Washington Small Businesses, and Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises
In accordance with the legislative findings and policies set forth in RCW 39.19, 43.60A.200, 39.26.240 and 39.26.245, the State of Washington encourages participation by Veteran-owned, Minority-Owned, and Women-Owned businesses either self-identified or certified by, respectively, the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE). While the State does not give gender or race-based preferential treatment, it does seek equitable representation from Washington Small Businesses as well as the veteran, minority, and women-owned business communities.
DSHS encourages Washington Small, Veteran-owned, and MWBE Bidder participation both directly in response to this Competition and as subcontractors to a Lead Participant.
Bidders may contact the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE) here and/or the Department of Veterans Affairs here in order to obtain information on certified firms for potential subcontracting arrangements or for information on how to become certified. Nothing in this section is intended to prevent or discourage participation from non-MWBE firms or non-Veteran-owned businesses
According to Chapter 43.60A.190 RCW, to qualify as a Certified Washington Veteran-Owned Business, Bidder must meet the following four requirements:
- 51% Ownership. Bidder must be at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned and controlled by: